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Tiroit hastalıklarının tedavisinde sentetik tiroit hormonu olarak kullanılan “Levothyrox” adlı ilacın yeni versiyonunun Fransa’da bazı hastalarda yan etkilere yol açması yargıya taşındı.

Tiroit hastalıklarının tedavisinde sentetik tiroit hormonu olarak kullanılan “Levothyrox” adlı ilacın yeni versiyonunun Fransa’da bazı hastalarda yan etkilere yol açması yargıya taşındı.

Fransa Tiroit Hastaları Derneği, konuyla ilgili suç duyurusunda bulundu. Suç duyurusunda üretici firmanın “başkalarının hayatlarını tehlikeye attığı” ve “hile yaptığı” suçlamalarına yer verildi.

Diğer taraftan üretici firma Merck Serono, Mart 2017’de yeni formülünü çıkardıkları ilacın eski formülüne dönüldüğünü açıkladı.

Fransa Sağlık Bakanı Agnes Buzyn yaptığı açıklamada, Levothyrox kullanan 3 milyon kişi üzerinde yapılan araştırmalarda, ilacın kramp, baş ağrısı, saç kaybı, uyku hali gibi bazı yan etkilerinin tespit edildiğini bildirmişti.

Fransa’da 9 bin kişinin ilacın yan etkilerine maruz kaldığını belirlediklerini dile getiren Buzyn, araştırmanın sonuçlarının gelecek ay yayımlanacağını kaydetmişti.

Fransa, yeni formülün piyasaya sürüldüğü ilk ülke olmuştu.


Yazı için 2 yorum yapılmış:

  1. gudul anne dedi ki:

    We wish to inform you of the health scandal represented by the introduction on the French market, in March 2017, of the new formula of Levothyrox.(euthyrox in your country)
    This medicine was a monopoly in our country, so there was no alternative for patients with hypothyroidism or thyroidectomy. Under the pretext of lack of stability of the molecule (levothyroxine), our national agency of the drug, the ANSM, asked the laboratory MERCK the production of a new formula replacing the excipient (lactose) by mannitol and citric acid . This, without any valid therapeutic trial since it was undertaken only on 200 healthy subjects in 72 hours, which does not make it possible to evaluate the side effects nor the good tolerance of Levothyrox in the long term. Since the Levothyrox old formula was consumed by 3 million patients in France, a very large level of intolerance with serious adverse side effects was expected for new formula. Which is exactly what happened.
    Faced with this dramatic situation for tens of thousands of patients, the reaction of the MERCK laboratory and the French health authorities was based on contempt.
    Faced with a petition of more than 300,000 people, the Ministry of Health has promised to urgently issue some generics and a small portion of the stocks of the old formula. The most important thing about this scandal is that at no time was there any question of producing the old formula again for patients who are well balanced with it. Indeed, the MERCK laboratory has planned to generalize its new formula in all European countries, while definitely excluding a return to the old formula. It seems obvious to us, in such cases, that the interests of the laboratory are financial and not sanitary. Our government would have the power to force the production of the old formula but still does not have the will. We therefore alert you to the need to express your determination not to let yourself be held hostage by this monopoly situation, as we have been. Yours Truly The French – victims of the new Levothyrox

  2. Selma Erdoğan Erdogu dedi ki:

    Sac dokulmesi cok yogun bir sekilde oluyor.

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