
Dikkat: Yazının sonunda ek var!
SORU 10- (devamı) HPV aşısının yan etkileri ülkemizde takip edilmekte midir, aşının emniyetini gösteren bir araştırmanız var mıdır? Aşının, uzun vadede birtakım olumsuzluklar yaratması mümkün müdür? HPV aşısının genotoksik ve karsinojenik etkileri var mıdır?
TJOD diyor ki:
“Türkiye’de maalesef aşının kaydı dahi yoktur. Ancak TCSB aşı programına alınırsa takip mümkün olacaktır.
Aşıda HPV DNA’sı ve L2 proteini bulunmamaktadır. Yani virulansı azaltılmış veya ölü virus aşısı değildir. Sizin de iyi bileceğiniz gibi ilgili DNA bulunmadan genotoksik ve karsinojenik etki mümkün değildir.”
KÜÇÜKUSTA diyor ki:
Yeni çıkmış, etkinliği tartışılan, çok ciddi aksi tesirleri olduğu bildirilen ve oldukça da pahalı olan bir aşının kaydının ve takibinin olmaması çok “vahim” bir durumdur.
Sözü uzatmadan Prof. Dr. Alişan Yıldıran’ a kulak verelim kâfi (1):
“Bu nasıl bir açıklamadır; halkının çocuklarına 46 doz aşı uygulayan ve bunu takîb etmeyen Sağlık Bakanlığı’na mı, bunu kendine dert edinmeyen, böyle aptalca bir aşıyı çocuk aşı takvimine (11-12 yaşında) alınmasını öneren ve bu aşı sayesinde kendi kendine aşı takib sistemi oluşacağını vehmeden böyle bir kuruluşa mı şaşırmalı?!”
Prospektüsler ne diyor?
TJOD, aşının uzun vadedeki olumsuzlukları sorusuna cevap verme ihtiyacı bile hissetmiyor, aşının “genotoksisite” ve “karsinojenite” bakımından da “pirüpak” olduğunu savunuyor ama aşı üreticileri onlardan çok daha temkinli davranıyor.
Gardasil’ in prospektüsündekarsinogenez, mutagenez, fertilite bozukluğu başlığı (13.1) altında şunlar yazıyor (2):
“Gardasil karsinojenite ve genotoksisiteye sebep olma potansiyeli için değerlendirilmemiştir.
Dişi farelerde 120 mcg total protein dozunda ki insanlar için tavsiye edilen doza eşdeğerdir, çiftleşme performansı, fertilite veya embriyonik/fetal etkileri görülmemiştir.
Cervarix ‘ in prospektüsünde ilgili bölüm şöyle (3):
Aşının karsinojenik (kanser yapıcı) ve mutajenik (genlerde mutasyon yapıcı) etkileri değerlendirilmemiş olup; sadece farelerde yapılan bir deneyde anlamlı derecede bağışıklığı uyaran dozlarda fertilite üzerine etkisi görülmemiştir.
Gardasil’ de HPV DNA’ sı bulunduğu gösterildi
Merck’ in de Gardasil’ de “viral DNA olmadığını” ısrarla bildirmesine karşılık Dr. Sin Hang Lee test ettiği aşı örneklerin tümünde Merck’ e tescilli alüminyum adjuvana sıkıca bağlı olan HPV-11, HPV-16 ve HPV-18 L1DNA’ sı parçaları bulunduğunu gösterdi (4).
Bu sonuçların bildirilmesi üzerine FDA, Gardasil’ de hakikaten HPVL1 DNA parçaları bulunduğunu ama bunun “sağlık riski olmadığını” açıklamak zorunda kaldı (5).
Dr. Lee 2012’ de bu DNA parçalarının adjuvana bağlı olmakla kalmayıp non-B biçimine adapte olduğunu ve böylece de toksisitesi bilinmeyen “yeni bir kimyasal bileşik” ortaya çıktığını da keşfetti (6).
Non-B DNA biçimlerinin 70’ den fazla hastalıkla ilişkili olan genetik mutasyonlarla birlikteliği biliniyor; bu hastalıklar arasında polikistik böbrek hastalığı, adrenolökodistrofi, foliküler lenfoma, spermatojenik yetersizlik ile pek çok nörolojik ve psikiyatrik hastalık var (7).
HPV yandaşları tarafından testlerin aşırı duyarlı olduğu, ilgisiz DNA çoğaltma riskini artırabileceği ve başka araştırmalarda bu sonuçların tekrarlanamadığı gerekçeleriyle “itibarsızlaştırılmaya” çalışılan bu sonuçlar, Laurent Bélec’ in 9. Milletlerarası Oto-immünite Kongresi’ nde sunduğu yeni verilerle tekrar ispatlandı (8).
HPV aşılarının güvenli kabul edilebilmesi için, alüminyuma bağlanan HPV-16 L1 DNA parçalarının vücutta kalma sürelerinin bilinmesi, non-B-biçimi HPV DNA parçalarının oto-immün hastalıkları tetiklemediklerinin, mutagenez ve kanser yapmadıklarının “acilen” ispatlanması gerekiyor (6).
TJOD’ un HPV aşılarını “kahramanca savunması”, bunların nasıl hazırlandığı konusunda yeterli temel bilgiye sahibi olmadığını da ortaya koyuyor (9).
Gelelim neticeye
Genotoksisite, mutagenez ve karsinojenik etkileri olabileceği iddialarının doğru olmadığı gösterilene kadar HPV aşılarının uygulanması derhal durdurulmalıdır.
2. http://www.merck.com/product/usa/pi_circulars/g/gardasil/gardasil_pi.pdf
3. https://www.gsksource.com/gskprm/htdocs/documents/CERVARIX-PI-PIL.PDF
4. http://sanevax.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/ABC-Conformational-Changes-HPV.pdf
5. http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/Vaccines/ApprovedProducts/ucm276859.htm
6. http://sanevax.org/gardasil-new-study-brings-more-safety-questions-to-light/
7. http://www.jbc.org/content/279/46/47411.full
8. http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/gardasil-toxic-contaminant-confirmed-by-independent-lab-in-france/
9. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2876658/
EK 1 (27.12.2023): FERHAT ARSLAN “Sen daha önce HPV ile karşılaştın mı? Anlayabilir miyiz? Evet. Kapsid antijenine karşı antikor testi bakarak anlarız. Örnek Anti HPV 16 IgG Tamam bir işe yarar mı? Yani işte antikorun var. Yaramaz çünkü bu antikor ne nötralizan antikordur ne de kanser yapıcı nitelikteki olduğu iddia edilen onkoproteinlere karşı oluşmuştur.
E peki bunların a₺ı ile oluşturmak istedikleri antikor ne? Yukarıda bahsettiğim. E hayda hani işe yaramıyordu. Yahu yaramıyor çünkü hastalık etkeni doğrudan temasla mukoza düzeyinde epitel hücresini enfekte ediyor onu orada hücre içine girmesini kolaylaştırıcı ve zorlaştırıcı faktörler vardır.
Örneğin rahim ağzı tahriş olmuş (travma , bakteriyel enf vs.)enfekte bir kadın daha çok alır, ya da anal bölgesine veya ağız ve geniz bölgesine genital sıvılar travmatik bir şekilde temas edenler daha fazla enfeksiyon riskindedirler.
Ne zorlaştırır? Sağlam mukoza ve immunitesi Travmatik olmayan cinsel yaşam. Lubrikan sıvılar bu yüzden vajinada var. Mukozadaki antiviral peptidler, IgA aktivitesi, diğer proteazlar. Elbette renkli bir cinsel yaşam ek riskleri getiriyor. Seven katlanır sevmeyen uzak kalır. Bize ne?”
Kaynak: https://x.com/Ferhatarslandr/status/1739883454890750128?s=20
EK 2 (14.1.2024): FERHAT ARSLAN Bak sürekli soru geliyor ben de açık açık yazıyorum. Kızlarınıza yaptırdığınız HPV aşısı ki içinde HPV L1 proteini var. İnsanlardaki bazı proteinlerle ciddi benzerlik gösterir ve çocuğunuzu Lupus benzeri hastalık MS benzeri hastalık Kısırlık Meme kanseri vb Yapabilir. UYDURMUYORUM!
Kaynak: https://karger.com/pat/article/86/5-6/285/266462/Human-Papillomavirus-Epitope-Mimicry-and
Makale: Human Papillomavirus Epitope Mimicry and Autoimmunity: The Molecular Truth of Peptide Sharing
EK 3 (17.10.2024):
Over the last two years, cancer genomic experts have raised concerns about the presence of residual DNA fragments in the mRNA covid-19 vaccines, saying that it has potential to increase the risk of developing cancer.
This mirrors the concerns raised several years ago about the safety of the Gardasil Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine, manufactured by Merck & Co.
In 2011, Sin Hang Lee, a pathologist and 30-year veteran in DNA analysis, made the startling discovery of synthetic DNA fragments in several vials.
“I was shocked to find DNA fragments in the HPV vaccine because DNA is not supposed to be there,” Lee recalls.
“They use DNA to make the vaccine, but then it is supposed to be chopped up and removed in the manufacturing process,” he said.
Lee, an internationally recognised expert in molecular gene detection, carefully documented his findings in a report which was sent to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for review.
The FDA investigated.
On Sept 23, 2011, FDA’s Centre for Biological Evaluation and Research (CEBR) responded saying it had evaluated the concerns in Lee’s report, and determined that the Gardasil vaccine was “safe and effective.”
The FDA did acknowledge that Lee found residual DNA in the vaccine, but said it was “expected” and “inevitable” in products that are manufactured using recombinant technology.
The agency also said it remained confident that the residual DNA was “not a risk to vaccine recipients.”
“The presence of residual DNA is not a safety factor as defined by US regulations, and is not required to be included in Gardasil’s labeling,” wrote the FDA.
The following month (Oct 21, 2011) the FDA quietly updated its website to reflect the presence of DNA fragments in the vaccine, assuring the public there was “no safety risk.”
“It was really disappointing,” said Lee.
“The FDA claimed that the presence of DNA fragments was not a problem without showing any studies to prove it had been investigated or that it was safe,” he added.
The European Medicines Agency was also notified of the problem and its response was the same, stating, “the presence of recombinant DNA fragments does not represent a case of contamination and is not considered to be a risk to vaccine recipients.”
The following year, Sin Hang Lee published his findings in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry.
An accidental discovery
HPV is a virus primarily transmitted through sexual contact and is the main cause of cervical cancer. Authorities have predicted the widespread use of the HPV vaccine will ‘eliminate’ cervical cancer by 2030.
In 2006, when Gardasil was first approved, Merck assured the FDA there was no HPV DNA in the vaccine. But this was challenged when Lee found HPV DNA in someone who had never been exposed to the HPV virus.
It all began when a 13-year-old girl from Toronto developed acute juvenile rheumatoid arthritis within days of receiving her third dose of Gardasil. A battery of tests revealed the young girl tested positive for HPV DNA in her blood by PCR.
It was a mystery to her doctors because she was sexually naïve and had never been exposed to the virus.
Her parents wondered if the viral DNA in her blood could have originated from the Gardasil vaccine itself. They reached out to an advocacy group that organised for vials of the Gardasil vaccine to be tested.
Lee received 13 vials from nine different countries and found every single one of them contained fragments of HPV DNA.
In 2012, Lee testified at a coronial inquest into the death of 18-year old New Zealander Jasmine Renata, who died unexpectedly in her sleep, six months after receiving her third Gardasil injection.
Post-mortem tissue samples were sent to Lee for testing. The blood and spleen were positive for HPV DNA, which Lee said, was not the result of a natural HPV infection.
“It’s not ‘natural’ HPV DNA and its detection six months after injection is not normal,” he told the inquest, though he could not say with certainty if the vaccine caused her death.
Measuring residual DNA in Gardasil
But the permissible limit of residual DNA in vaccines has significantly increased.
In 1985, the FDA set an upper limit of 10 picograms per dose. In 1987, the WHO increased its recommended limit to 100 picograms, and then increased it again to 10 nanograms (i.e. 100 times higher) — a limit now adopted by the FDA.
Lee says it’s difficult to quantify the levels in Gardasil though, because the HPV DNA is tightly bound to the aluminium adjuvant (AAHS) and forms an insoluble precipitate.
“My expertise is being able to detect the HPV L1 gene DNA in the insoluble precipitate, as well as the soluble DNA in the solution, using a technique called nested PCR with Sanger sequencing for confirmation,” explained Lee.
Genomics expert Kevin McKernan, who was the first to discover residual DNA in Pfizer’s covid vaccine, attests to Lee’s expertise. He agreed that the FDA’s permissible limit of 10 nanograms is futile in this case.
“That’s the trick the FDA is playing with the guidelines,” said McKernan. “When you go to measure the residual DNA, you’ll miss the majority of it because it is all bound up to the aluminium adjuvant.”
“The 10 nanogram limit they’ve come up with is just smoke and mirrors. They say if it’s below that, then they don’t care, but here you have something that hides the DNA in aluminium, and they just whistle past the graveyard,” said McKernan
Potential risks of HPV DNA in Gardasil
Based on Lee’s post-mortem analyses, we know that HPV DNA fragments in the Gardasil vaccine find their way to blood, brain and spleen after injection into the deltoid muscle of the arm. But what are the consequences?
— Innate immune system theory
Lee suggests the HPV DNA fragments in the vaccine are taken up by immune cells such as macrophages, and then travel through the lymphatic system where they deposit in various tissues throughout the body.
It is theorised that here, the HPV DNA which is tightly bound to the aluminium adjuvant and does not break down easily, can cause chronic immune-inflammatory reactions that lead to autoimmune conditions in some people.
Incidentally, Merck is facing multiple lawsuits by people who claim they developed autoimmune conditions such as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), neurological issues or premature ovarian failure from Gardasil.
— Genome integration theory
Another theoretical risk is if residual fragments of HPV DNA in the vaccine enter cells and integrate with the host DNA.
This has been the concern with the residual DNA fragments found in covid-19 mRNA vaccines, where lipid nanoparticles ferry the mRNA – along with residual DNA fragments – into the host cell and potentially integrate into the human genome.
Phillip Buckhaults, a cancer genomics expert at the University of South Carolina, testified before a Senate Committee about his concerns that fragments of foreign DNA in the covid-19 mRNA vaccines can insert themselves into a person’s genome and become a “permanent fixture of the cell.”
At this stage, there is no evidence this occurs with Gardasil and no studies have ever been conducted to see if fragments of HPV DNA in the Gardasil vaccine can integrate into the genome and disrupt vital genes.
Also, it would require the presence of a “transfection agent” in the vaccine i.e. something that enables exogenous genetic material (DNA or RNA) to enter human cells. Some studies suggest that adjuvants themselves can act as transfection agents.
Whatever the case, the discovery of HPV DNA fragments in Gardasil and their detection in post-mortem tissues some time after vaccination, raises important questions about the safety testing of residual DNA fragments in all vaccines developed with recombinant technology.
Kaynak: https://blog.maryannedemasi.com/p/fda-ignored-residual-dna-fragments
EK 4 (8.11.2024): FERHAT ARSLAN
Kaynak: https://x.com/Ferhatarslandr/status/1854902741576945699
EK 5 (20.11.2024): DNA analizlerinde 30 yıllık tecrübeli bir patolog olan Sin Hang Lee, uluslararası ilaç düzenleyicilerini Gardasil HPV aşısında DNA parçalarının varlığı konusunda uyardığında endişeleri hemen reddedildi.
Hem ABD hem de Avrupalı ilaç düzenleyicileri, aşıda DNA parçaları bulunduğunu kabul etti ancak bunun “aşı alıcıları için herhangi bir risk oluşturmadığını” söyledi.
Daha önce bildirildiği gibi, Gardasil aşısındaki DNA fragmanları, alüminyum adjuvanı Amorf Alüminyum Hidroksifosfat Sülfat’a (AAHS) sıkı bir şekilde bağlanmıştır.
Dr Ah Kahn Syed (takma ad), AAHS’nin bir “transfeksiyon ajanı” olarak hareket edebileceğini ve HPV DNA parçalarının, hücresel süreçlere zarar verebilecekleri hücrelere girişini kolaylaştırabileceğini savundu.
DNA parçalarının alüminyum adjuvanlara bağlandığında konformasyonel değişime uğradığı ve “gen transfeksiyonu” adı verilen bir süreç yoluyla insan hücresine verilebileceği 2003 gibi erken bir tarihte biliniyordu.
Bu, tüm rekombinant aşıların (artık DNA parçaları içeren), alüminyum adjuvanlar, polisorbatlar ve lipit nanopartikülleri gibi “transfeksiyon ajanları” ile karıştırıldığında gen transfeksiyonu potansiyeline sahip olduğu anlamına gelir.
NOT: Transfeksiyon, viral enfeksiyon dışındaki araçları kullanarak nükleik asitleri (DNA veya RNA) hücrelere yapay olarak sokma işlemidir.
Kaynak: https://blog.maryannedemasi.com/p/tga-ignored-dna-fragments-in-gardasil
EK 6 (10.2.2025): Dahili e-postalar Merck’in Gardasil güvenlik testlerindeki ihmalini ortaya koyuyor
Merck, Gardasil aşısının HPV DNA parçalarıyla kirlendiğini biliyordu ancak uygun testleri yapamadı ve düzenleyiciler bunun örtbas edilmesine yardımcı oldu.
Kaynak: https://blog.maryannedemasi.com/p/exclusive-internal-emails-reveal
EK 7 (15.2.2025): Rahim ağzı kampanyası düzenleyen belediyelerin dikkatine!
Sizleri çok uyardık, dinlemediniz. En azından kampanyanızı hemen şimdi sonlandırın. Başınıza büyük bir bela aldınız.
Bari ABD’ nin yeni Sağlık Bakanını dinleyin:
“Gardasil yani HPV aşısı muhtemelen gördüğümüz en kötü kitlesel aşıdır. Bu aşı, rahim ağzı kanserinden ölme riski sıfır olan milyonlarca ergenlik öncesi ve ergeni hedef alıyor. Gardasil araştırmalarındaki ölüm oranları, rahim ağzı kanserindeki ölüm oranlarının 37 katıydı.”
Kaynak: https://x.com/drahmetrasim/status/1890849812347560185
EK 8 (19.2.2025):
HPV aşısı kampanyası yapan belediyelere önemle bir duyurum var.
Bir bahane uydurun, “Kar yağdı ayaz oldu, aşılar dondu, kampanya iptal oldu” falan diyin ve bu işten derhâl vaz geçin.
Başınız çok büyük belâya girecek!
DEMASSİ: “Mahkeme belgeleri Gardasil yani rahim ağzı kanseri yani HPV aşısında “gizli” adjuvanı ortaya çıkardı.
Merck’ in Gardasil aşısında, onaylanmamış bir bağışıklık güçlendirici bulunuyor.
Bir dava bir örtbası açığa çıkarıyor.”
An ongoing lawsuit against Merck, accusing the company of misrepresenting the safety of its Gardasil vaccine, has uncovered damning evidence of corporate deception.
Court documents reveal that Merck was fully aware of an additional adjuvant in Gardasil that was not disclosed to recipients and did not have regulatory approval.
This revelation raises profound legal and ethical concerns regarding the informed consent of the millions who received Gardasil without full knowledge of its composition.
The Undisclosed Adjuvant
Adjuvants are substances added to vaccines purportedly to enhance the immune response.
In Gardasil, the aluminium-based adjuvant (AAHS) is added to help the immune system recognise the L1 protein found on HPV strains.
These L1 proteins self-assemble into virus-like particles (VLPs), which, when combined with AAHS, constitute the approved vaccine formulation.
However, it has been demonstrated that Gardasil also contains billions of fragments of HPV L1 DNA—which originate from the synthetic DNA plasmid used in manufacturing.
Here’s the kicker.
The HPV L1 DNA fragments act as a second adjuvant—which has not been approved—and make Gardasil far more immunogenic than if the fragments were not present.
Merck was aware of this, and failed to publicly disclose it.
In fact, court documents reveal that Merck took deliberate steps to preserve and retain these HPV DNA fragments in the final vaccine formulation.
Processing Gardasil
During the first part of the manufacturing process, yeast cells containing synthetic DNA plasmids are used to produce L1 proteins, which then assemble into VLPs.
This mixture is then filtered to remove larger yeast genomes, in order to retain the VLPs.
But Merck’s own patent reveals that a 0.65 micron filter was used—a size sufficient to capture larger yeast nuclear DNA but too large to trap the much smaller VLPs and HPV L1 DNA. This is akin to mosquitoes slipping through a chain-link fence, while larger debris is caught.
Next, is the “disassembly-reassembly step” designed to further purify the VLPs. It removes any sequestered HPV L1 DNA.
However, the explosive discovery in Merck’s documents, shown below, is that in Gardasil4—the version targeting HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18—the VLPs containing HPV 18 DNA are omitted from this step (see red arrow).
As a result, HPV 18 VLPs retain their spherical structure, protecting and preserving the HPV 18 L1 DNA. This ensures that it remains in the final aqueous product (FAP)
Once the aluminium adjuvant is added to the FAP, all three components—VLPs, viral DNA, and AAHS—aggregate into stable precipitates (as shown).
Locked into this precipitate, the HPV L1 DNA is resistant to enzyme breakdown and shielded from the body’s natural defences against foreign DNA.
Immune Consequences of HPV DNA
Dr. Sin Hang Lee, a pathologist and expert in molecular diagnostics, has noted in court filings that while the combination of VLPs and AAHS triggers an antibody response, it does not generate a strong cellular immune response.
However, the presence of HPV L1 DNA fragments activates Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9), significantly amplifying immune activity.
In fact, Gardasil is known to stimulate the immune response over 50 times greater than a natural infection.
Dr Sin Hang Lee
Such excessive and prolonged immune activation can lead to a loss of “immune tolerance,” meaning the immune system fails to recognise its own tissue as benign, potentially resulting in autoimmune conditions.
In some individuals, the resulting inflammatory cascade has been implicated in postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and, in rare cases, fatal outcomes.
Escaping Regulatory Approval
The vaccine industry has long known that synthetic DNA can enhance adjuvant activity.
In 2022, Kaur and colleagues noted that “in some cases, adjuvants are purposely in-built into the vaccine antigen to enhance immunogenicity.”
For instance, CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG ODNs)—synthetic DNA molecules—are approved by the FDA as adjuvants in vaccines like Heplisav-B (for hepatitis B) and Cyfendus (for anthrax).
Yet, no regulatory agency worldwide has approved HPV L1 DNA as an adjuvant.
Not only did Merck fail to seek approval, but the company also actively concealed its presence.
Merck’s efforts to conceal the second adjuvant
Internal emails submitted in court expose Merck’s efforts to suppress critical information.
In 2018, independent researcher Stephen Tunley directly asked CSL Behring Seqirus, the Australian manufacturer of Gardasil, whether the HPV DNA fragments were used to stimulate TLR9 and enhance the immune response.
CSL’s Medical Manager, Dr. Debra Bourke, initially drafted an email acknowledging that HPV DNA could act as a TLR9 agonist, boosting the immune response, although she denied the vaccine contained any viral DNA.
When Merck’s legal team reviewed the draft, they ordered CSL to remove all references to DNA and TLR9 activation.
Barbara Kuter [referred to as “Barb” in the email], who was an executive director at Merck, instructed Dr. Bourke to “delete the last 2 paragraphs” and advised that further inquiries be handled via phone, rather than written documentation.
The final email sent to Tunley was stripped of all substantive information, merely referring him to generic FDA and EMA statements online.
Misleading product label and lack of informed consent
Even today, product information for Gardasil distributed by CSL Seqirus, Australian and European regulators, continue to mislead the public.
The European package insert of Gardasil explicitly states that “VLPs contain no viral DNA”—a false claim refuted by Dr. Lee as far back as 2011.
Failing to disclose the presence of an unapproved secondary adjuvant violates transparency and informed consent. Millions worldwide have received this vaccine without full knowledge of its contents or its potential immunological effects.
This is not just an ethical failure; it may also constitute a legal violation. Patients had the right to be informed about the secondary adjuvant and its associated risks before vaccination.
Despite repeated requests for comment, Professor Ian Frazer, co-inventor of the HPV vaccine and 2006 Australian of the Year, has not responded to inquiries regarding this issue.
Prof Ian Frazer, co-inventor of the HPV vaccine, retired in 2022
The Road Ahead
As this high-stakes litigation unfolds, it highlights the urgent need for stronger regulatory oversight and corporate accountability. Governments and public health agencies continue to promote Gardasil, even as evidence of deception mounts.
The trial, held in a Los Angeles court last week, has now been adjourned until September 2025, leaving critical questions unanswered and many awaiting a resolution that will determine whether justice for the vaccine-injured will be served.
Kaynak: https://blog.maryannedemasi.com/p/court-documents-reveal-undisclosed
Makale: Court Documents Reveal “Undisclosed” Adjuvant in Gardasil vaccine